Success Stories

"I felt very powerless after the birth of my first child. After my journey with Corina during my second pregnancy, the mother in me was transformed from a very passive spirit to an energized and empowered force. I hold on to little regrets now and am ok with messy life and embrace the beauty of chaos and imperfection, which is always present, especially with little ones. I enjoy more moments in teaching my children character, grace, and humility, than having everything right.
A passion for creation was awakened in me by my experience with Corina. This philosophy extends into my role as a mother, wife, sister, and citizen. Corina helps awaken our mothering spirit and connects you to sisterhood that is thousands of years old. That kind of connection is hard to find in our society now, but so essential for helping a woman transform.
It is not just the birth of a child, it is the birth of a mother, too."
-Julie Ochoa Kelly, North Carolina

"Prior to working with Corina, I felt insecure, fearful and doubted many times that I could “safely” birth my baby at home. Under her holistic guidance I felt empowered and reassured every step of the way. I connected with my baby in a way I had never done before. I felt “grandmothered” in by all the women who had birthed before me. Corina made me realize I was made for this. Her gentle and wise insight, human connection and integrity made me feel comfortable sharing fears and vulnerabilities.
As a result, I am more confident. I know I can overcome what seems like impossible situations in my life. I was empowered to connect with my inner-self and my children in a beautiful, messy, unscripted way. I learned to be present in each moment. Now I am a mentor for new moms! "
-Gladys Garcia, Coral Springs, FL

"I developed a deep sense of introspection since working with Corina. She presented such depth with her care for me that I was forced to learn compassion for myself. Corina showed me love in my darkness. In a very subtle way she taught me how to forgive myself.
Corina has a way of allowance because she is so comfortable with the healing process. As a result of my experience with her I started my own business helping women heal through trauma and supporting women who wish to birth vaginally after a C-section."
-Keachia Bowers, Miramar, FL

"Corina was more than a midwife to me when I birthed my daughter, she also assisted me in birthing a more powerful version of myself. Corina used a perfect combination of wisdom and empathy to care for me in pregnancy and labor, which I believe directly contributed to me discovering a new life purpose beyond motherhood. Corina modeled for me what it means to balance both a spiritual calling to serve others with knowledge and experience to create life changing guidance for women."
-Denise Padilla De Font