Community Birth
Women and birthing people will generally birth best in an environment where they feel safe, comfortable, and private. Mammals will intuitively seek out a dark space that offers these three qualities. Humans are mammals too!

There's no place like home.
Birthing at home means birthing in an environment that feels safe, private, supportive, and familiar. It creates a birthspace that allows physiological birth to unfold seamlessly.

Water is a useful tool for both labor and birthing and it is safe for both mom and baby. Women have turned to the soothing effects of warm water for their monthly womb cleanse cramps for hundreds of years. Immersion in warm water during labor increases endorphins, decreases pain and pressure, shortens the length of labor and decreases the incidence of severe tearing.
For the baby it is presumed to be a gentler transition as they are moving from the waters of the womb to the water in the birth pool.
Waterbirth is an option whether you birth at home or on The Farm. I have an inflatable birth pool which provides enough space for both you and your partner, if desired.
VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean)
VBAC stands for Vaginal Birth After Cesarean and is a safe option for most pregnant people. With the rising rate of cesareans in this country many women are faced with the question of whether to try for a VBAC in a subsequent pregnancy. MotherFLY offers VBAC for birthing people who have a low-transverse incision and encourages all women who’ve had a prior cesarean to educate themselves about the risks/benefits of VBAC vs. repeat cesarean. Cesarean section is a major surgery with increased risks both for mom and baby, including infection, hemorrhage, breathing problems, and prematurity. Having a cesarean also increases risks in future pregnancies. VBAC carries with it the small risk of uterine rupture (< 1%) and its consequences. Studies have shown that 80% of women who attempt VBAC have successful vaginal births with no harm to themselves or their babies.
I have been a proud and passionate VBAC provider for over two decades. I believe strongly in your autonomy and choice. Vaginal birth after cesarean is a reasonable and safe option for most pregnant people, even those with a history of multiple C-sections. Depending on your particular circumstances, it may require a consultation with a doctor and in all cases I will need a copy of your operative report. My VBAC success rate is 85%.